Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Time away with Video Games

I've been playing video games since Pong. Pong to Asteroids to the Pac-man craze to Defender to Atari....I can keep going....and I will. When I was a kid we'd crowd around the Nintendo to beat the latest game, Stay up to the wee hours playing Kung-fu or Contra or my brother and I yellin' at each other after we beat the other up in Street Fighter (Super Nintendo). Who could forget the first time all Hell broke loose at the end of Doom. In college it was the first Playstation (Thank you Kristin!), playing Warhawk or Wipeout, then the awesome Resident Evil. Then there was Metal Gear Solid. I remember the first time I played the demo for that game. When it came out I called in sick one day to beat it. That was one of the first games that played out like some great action movie and I was hooked. The N64 with Mario in 3D like quality, roaming the countryside and jumping into paintings. The games just kept getting better and better not only in graphics, but story wise and acting wise. Then the online community came around with all the multiplayer games. It's always something different each time you log on. Video games for me have become a good way to wind down (in some cases wound up!). A way to let off some steam. A great way to be entertained, to laugh and play with friends. How else could you have your own personal bowling alley in your living room? -golf course? - gym? - warzone?
So, this is also why I haven't updated the blog lately. The artwork didn't stop, so now there's a backlog of stuff to post, but between Uncharted 2 and MoWa2 (and my regular day to day jobs), the blog fell by the wayside.
I'd say it's time to pick it back up!

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